
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Soft Skills Work Shop

Dear Students and Job Seekers,

Sri Sathya Sai Seva organization Hyderabad is happy to announce that we are going to conduct classes to train each one of you on various soft skills which are essential for building a successful professional career. This initiative is driven based on our analysis of current existing GAP between the graduates and industry requirements.
Program has been designed in consultation with lot of CEO’s,CTO’s and CIO’s of various IT companies, who are in the fore front of framing the recruitment policy for most of the major IT companies. This program is offered free of cost to enable our fellow Indians to be successful in their career and in turn build a strong nation consisting of skilled individuals.
Here are the program highlights:
Communication methodologies/ skills
how to do effective communication
Executive Presence
Personality development
Facing Interviews
what are the things that you need to watch out for before going for an interview
How to build your own effective resume
Industry Overview
Overview on jobs available under various sectors

All the above topics would be covered over weekends starting from April 14th to May 5th. Trainers would be HR leaders, Program managers and Soft skills consultants from reputed organizations.
Last date for registration is 14th April'2013.Contact No(s):9885245662, 9700266980
This program is exclusively for boys.
With Best Regards,
Saiyouth Hyderabad
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